Only take antibiotics if you absolutely need to!

Only take antibiotics if you absolutely need to!

This week’s post is prompted by World Antibiotic Awareness Week (November 18-24, 2019)

I’ve spent majority of my life in Bangkok. I was born at Samitivej Sukhumvit Hospital (now one of our trusted partners!) and lived in downtown Bangkok until I was 9 years old. For the next nine years I lived in Kobe, Japan, but came back to Bangkok every summer (for 2-3 months) and winter (for 2-3 weeks). Following that I spent five years in the United States where I studied Health Policy and Management at the University of Southern California and was experienced a variety of internships including stints at the Clinton Foundation in the Health Arm in Boston and the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) in Washington DC.

It was during my time at AAFA that I learned about Antibiotic Resistance, but before getting into the details of resistance, let’s first understand what antibiotics are. As defined by the World Health Organization, antibiotics (or antibacterials) are medicines used to prevent and treat bacterial infections. Antibiotics CANNOT treat viral infections, such as cold, flu, and most coughs ( “Antibiotic resistance occurs when bacteria change in response to the use of these medicines. Bacteria, not humans or animals, become antibiotic-resistant. These bacteria may infect humans and animals, and the infections they cause are harder to treat than those caused by non-resistant bacteria. Antibiotic resistance leads to higher medical costs, prolonged hospital stays, and increased mortality. The world urgently needs to change the way it prescribes and uses antibiotics.” (

Have a look at this infographic from the WHO explaining how Antibiotic Resistance Spreads:

The reason I started this post mentioning that I’ve lived in Bangkok for most of my life is because during my childhood I went to so many doctors in this city when I have a cold or cough and the doctor almost automatically prescribes antibiotics. Before there was widespread knowledge about antibiotic resistance, this was the norm. Now that we know the threats it poses, before taking antibiotics for something that may not be bacterial in nature, please ask your doctor if you really need them. And if you know someone who frequently takes antibiotics for simple sneezes and sniffles, let them know they could be endangering themselves and their loved ones. (

Have a look at this short but informative video about using antibiotics correctly and take action where needed: him to embed the video in the post pls)

Don’t get me wrong; antibiotics are not the devil. They are extremely effective to treat bronchitis, pneumonia, strep throat, ear infection, and pinkeye – as long as they’re caused by bacteria. If used correctly and only when required, there is nothing wrong with taking antibiotics.

Are you worried that you may take antibiotics too often? Or unsure if you take them when you don’t need to? Reach out to us and we will be happy to hear more about your concerns and find a way to help you.

Written by Devi Bajaj
Founder and Director of Enliven Health Concierge


Vitamin IVs: Help or Hindrance?

I’m a person focused on having a routine and I believe this keeps me both physically and mentally healthy (and sane). I aim to intermittently fast for at least 16 hours a day for 5 days a week (to let the cells in my body rest, rebuild and repair), workout 3-5 to times a week, and sleep at least 6 hours a night.

My husband is in an entirely different field of work. His event management job requires him to be on his feet for 12-16 hours at a time, sleep late and eat only when (or if) he gets a break. As a result he was often fatigued and would come home from work sneezing or with the sniffles.

I was determined to find a way to make him feel better, without it being complicated or taking too much of his time because I knew if I told him it would take longer than an hour every couple weeks that he (and I) wouldn’t succeed in the long term. After reading up on my favorite online portals for healthy living (I’ve listed a few of them at the bottom of this post for your reference) and discussing with colleagues in the field of health and wellness, I decided what he should try to do to make him feel better. There was a consensus across the board that he needs to replenish the nutrients and vitamins in his body, so I suggested direct insertion of these essentials into his blood stream intravenously.

The most popular IV for rejuvenation across the world is called the “Myers’ Cocktail” developed by Dr. John Myers of John Hopkins Medical School. It is compromised of the following components:

He was nervous at first, but after speaking to the doctor who explained the benefits of the IV (but making it a point that this is not a long term solution, however ensured that it can help in the interim while he moves towards a healthier lifestyle), he said he’ll give it a shot. On the day of the first drip he had a slight fever and was feeling very tired which resulted in a good night’s sleep and more energy the next day and coming weeks. IV drips work by increasing the blood concentration of several essential vitamins and minerals beyond that which can be achieved when supplementing orally. For example, Vitamin C given intravenously has been found to reach blood concentrations more than 50 times greater than what can be achieved when given orally. (, therefore definitely helping immunity if needed.

With the doctor’s recommendation we also started him on melatonin supplements for when he flies (he has major anxiety and this helps to calm him down), and to ease his mind and put him to sleep easier for the nights when his mind is racing. He used to have terrible acid reflux problems and applying intermittent fasting to his lifestyle has essentially cured that. Furthermore, a family member suggested that he start taking metamucil ( which is a plant-based fiber supplement to aid digestive health (we’ll get more into gut health in an upcoming post, so stay tuned).

It’s been a couple months now and he generally seems to feel better from his lifestyle adjustments, and the occasional Myers’ cocktail. The main result is that it’s helped his immunity (he now rarely comes home with a cold) and makes him feel hydrated. It’s important to note that IV drips are not a substitute for healthy habits in your daily life—these should not be seen as quick fixes (

Before getting into the habit of adding IV drips to your routine, ask yourself if you can obtain the vitamins, minerals and nutrients by having a well-balanced diet that meets your needs. If after trying that you don’t see any improvement, it may be time to check if your vitamin and micronutrient levels require supplementation. We have a team of specialists who can support if you reach to that point, or even if you’d like to ask some questions about your health and chat further so do feel free to reach out.

Written by Devi Bajaj
Founder and Director of Enliven Health Concierge

Some of our favorite Health & Wellness Portals and their thoughts on IV therapy:
