– by Pirunrat Nathchayanonth (Yori), Client Coordinator

You might have heard about a new alternative cure for chronic pain called Cryotherapy which is basically the use of extreme cold in surgery or other medical treatment. How cold? It goes down to -110 degree Celsius or more.

I think most people who don’t live near the arctic or either of the poles might find it extremely uncomfortable to be exposed to that kind of coldness for even the shortest of time, but the benefits of cryotherapy make it worth trying.

The main purpose of cryotherapy is to reduce inflammation by limited blood flow to particular areas. It has been used to help with migraines, joint pain and sport injuries recovery and is often integrated in rehabilitation plans under supervision by experts.

According to Cleveland Clinic the risks of cryotherapy are small, but complications can occur. These complications may include:

Bleeding, cramping or pain after cryotherapy around the cervix.

  • Bone fractures.
  • Nerve damage resulting in loss of feeling.
  • Swelling, scarring and skin infection.

Don’t you worry though, we work with experts in pain management and rehabilitation and our partners have leading technologies, so you can be sure that every step of the way will be well customized for you to accomplish your wellness goals.

Drop us a message or call us today to schedule a consultation about cryotherapy!




