When was your last dental checkup?

When was your last dental checkup?

– by PirunratNathchayanonth (Yori), Client Coordinator

The basic dental care we hear about is to get our teeth checked and cleaned every 6 months. That’s more often that having your standard health check-up which is once annually. Do you follow that routine?

Oral health is like any other aspects of health that we may neglect, because ifyour teeth aren’t hurting and you can still chew – youmay not think about it, but by the time there is something significantly wrong, it could have done more damage that you would have imagined.

  • Toothache – that nagging pain that won’t go away, it could be sign of an infection which can lead to wisdom tooth removal or root canal treatment. Please don’t ignore the pain if it has been bothering your for a few days and over the counter pills didn’t get rid of it
  • Bleeding or tender gums – when you brush and floss, if you can feel that your gum is tender and bleeding, that’s a sign of having gum disease so you may want to schedule an appointment with a dentist.
  • Cavity – or tooth sensitivity. This usually follows drinking something hot or cold. We all have cavities, big or small, but if left untreated it can lead to needing an implant which is notfun.
  • Bad breath – was it an untreated decayed tooth? Or is it related to your stomach health? As our mouth is the entry point to our digestion system and bad breath can be a sign of stomach ulcer or even a kidney problem.
  • Cracked or chipped tooth – accidents happen and sometimes our tooth is our collateral damage. Even eating certain solid food can get your tooth cracked or chipped. If it is minor, then it could be cosmetic treatment, but any large ones will definitely need an urgent dentist appointment.

We suggest that you make a dental appointment as regular as your general health check-up to make sure that everything is as it should be, and to stop that teeny tiny cavity from being a major issue in the future.

Our partners offer various dental services and check-up including standard polishing starts at 1,200 Baht. If you don’t know where to start, give us a call or drop us a message, we’re here to help!












Stem Cells for Beauty!

Stem Cells for Beauty!

– by PirunratNathchayanonth (Yori), Client Coordinator

We talked about stem cells used for medical purposes before (https://www.enlivenyou.org/2021/07/08/july-is-cord-blood-awareness-month/). But do you know that they can be used in the anti-aging and beauty field as well?

Let’s recap, what is a stem cell? It is a single cell that can replicate itself or differentiate into other cell types. Where do we normally find it? Bone marrow, cord blood, and from fat tissue.

“But aren’t these supposing to be treating things like cancer, blood disorder and rare diseases?” –

Yes, they have been, and they still do but as things advance and new studies every now and again, it is not limited to only those areas anymore.

So how can stem cells help you aesthetically? Here are some examples!

  • If you want to tighten your pores and revive your skin condition, instead of getting Botox or fillers every 3-4 months, your cells can give longer lasting effects range from 6 months and above. Of course, this depends on your skin and the capacity of the harvested cell itself. The younger the harvest cell, the better.
  • As stem cells have ability to help with boosting collagen production and quicker cell turnover, your results for wrinkles and fine lines can be visible faster than traditional injectables. Meaning you don’t have to wait until week 4 to see that your lines are improving, and you can even do your normal make up routine the following day.

We work with leading beauty clinics and aesthetic hospitalsso if you’d like to learn more about how stem cells can upscale your rejuvenation game, drop us a message or give us a call, we’re always here to help!








– by Pirunrat Nathchayanonth (Yori), Client Coordinator

You might have heard about a new alternative cure for chronic pain called Cryotherapy which is basically the use of extreme cold in surgery or other medical treatment. How cold? It goes down to -110 degree Celsius or more.

I think most people who don’t live near the arctic or either of the poles might find it extremely uncomfortable to be exposed to that kind of coldness for even the shortest of time, but the benefits of cryotherapy make it worth trying.

The main purpose of cryotherapy is to reduce inflammation by limited blood flow to particular areas. It has been used to help with migraines, joint pain and sport injuries recovery and is often integrated in rehabilitation plans under supervision by experts.

According to Cleveland Clinic the risks of cryotherapy are small, but complications can occur. These complications may include:

Bleeding, cramping or pain after cryotherapy around the cervix.

  • Bone fractures.
  • Nerve damage resulting in loss of feeling.
  • Swelling, scarring and skin infection.

Don’t you worry though, we work with experts in pain management and rehabilitation and our partners have leading technologies, so you can be sure that every step of the way will be well customized for you to accomplish your wellness goals.

Drop us a message or call us today to schedule a consultation about cryotherapy!






Let’s learn about Acupuncture and Cupping!

Let’s learn about Acupuncture and Cupping!

– by Pirunrat Nathchayanonth (Yori), Client Coordinator

Acupuncture may not be something new anymore, in fact, this thousands of year-old remedy has made its way into more than just medical treatments. Acupuncture is now also widely known for its cosmetic purposes as well.

It looked very scary to me at first, and let me be very honest, having a grandfather who was a Chinese Medicine Doctor, it was a shame I didn’t give it a go sooner because once I tried it, it’s so amazing that it’s almost addictive (personal opinion claimed here).

But for those who are not accustomed to this new way of treatment, I’ll take you through the journey of this invasive looking but gentle way of therapy.

Acupuncture is “a system of integrative medicine that involves pricking the skin or tissues with needles, used to alleviate pain and to treat various physical, mental, and emotional conditions. Originating in ancient China, acupuncture is now widely practiced in the West.”

But how does it work? I mean try penetrating your own skin with a needle, that doesn’t look very comfortable or fun. The needles used in acupuncture are a hair-thin size which cause minimal to no pain, however, if it was inserted in the wrong position, it will cause inflicted pain.

According to John Hopkins Medicine (https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/acupuncture), Acupuncture points are believed to stimulate the central nervous system. This, in turn, releases chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord, and brain. These biochemical changes may stimulate the body’s natural healing abilities and promote physical and emotional well-being.”

Some of the known benefits for Acupuncture treatments are –

Pain Relief – migraines, chronic body aches, menstrual cramps

Aesthetic Purposes – reduces eye puffiness, diminishes fine lines, lifts droopy eyes

Mental Health purposes –reduces stress and anxiety, helps with sleep issues and depression

But, like every other treatment it is not a one size fits all. The NHS (https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/acupuncture/) warns that “if you have a bleeding disorder, such as haemophilia, or are taking anticoagulants, talk to your GP before you have acupuncture. Acupuncture is also not usually advised if you have a metal allergy or an infection in the area where needles may be inserted.”

Similar to its pioneer,Cupping is also originated in China is“a therapy in which heated glass cups are applied to the skin along the meridians of the body, creating suction as a way of stimulating the flow of energy.”

The first time I heard about cupping, I didn’t understand what it does. Someone I knew had the treatment before and it looked very scary. But again, it isn’t limited to only those horrifying images of blood lump in glasses, not every treatment looks the same.

While cupping treats the pain similarly to how acupuncture does, it also helps with other issues such as respiratory concerns (breathing problems), carpel tunnel syndrome, stomach issues and high blood pressure. However, bear in mind that sometimes cupping could leave some apparent bruises and skin discoloration.

You may not be eligible if you have the following conditions (https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/16554-cupping)

  • Bleeding disorders like hemophilia
  • Blood clotting problems, such as deep vein thrombosis or history of strokes
  • Skin conditions, including eczema and psoriasis

In some places, acupuncture and cupping are combined to enhance their benefits to achieve better results faster.

So, if you’re looking for alternative treatments like these two, drop us a message or give us a call and we will connect you to the right experts.









It’s time to pamper your skin!

It’s time to pamper your skin!

– by Pirunrat Nathchayanonth (Yori), Client Coordinator

I don’t know about you, but I am thrilled to have our aesthetic and beauty clinic partners open again. Now that everything is slowly easing back to the usual, we can finally get our skin properly pampered again after so long, and it is such a good feeling!

Believe it or not, just a simple facial cleansing and massaging can make a difference for you. Facial massage when performed properly can increase blood flow and helps drain accumulated fluids that causes puffiness.

The facial I did was a combination of cleansing, vitamins and nutrients penetration, brightening mask, and ended with rich vitamin C cream. It was so relaxing that I fell asleep and work up after an hour feeling super refreshed.

All our aesthetic partners offer a wide range of services, and with top specialists for each their own expertise, you will be well taken care off. If you want to integrate all that with a luxury wellness retreat, why not? We can arrange that for you too!

Contact us for more information and pricing today. We’re here to help you relax and feel great!😊